Why Startups Fail: Reason #8 – Poor Marketing

Why Startups Fail: Reason #8 – Poor Marketing

The ProblemMarketing is one of the most critical areas that a startup needs to focus on. Most people think there’s not much to it, all you need is some money to fund it, and that’s that. But, while thoughtlessly paying for some online ads counts as marketing, many...
Why Startups Fail: Reason #9 – Ignore Customers

Why Startups Fail: Reason #9 – Ignore Customers

The ProblemCustomers are the only source of financial income for any business, so the entire startup universe revolves around them. Every successful business model plans out operations, moves, and strategies to please valuable clients. As long as your consumer base is...
Why Startups Fail: Reason #4 – Get Outcompeted

Why Startups Fail: Reason #4 – Get Outcompeted

The Problem Unless you’ve come up with a revolutionary invention of your own, there will always be other market players selling what you’re selling. Having been around much longer, they’ll have an established customer base and much more experience. These are potent...
Wy startups fail: Reason #1 – No market need

Wy startups fail: Reason #1 – No market need

42% of companies end up failing because there isn’t enough market need for their product or service – it is hard to comprehend and pivot when there just might not be a market for what you love! Businesses earn money in exchange for a product or a service. The...