The Problem

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Shark Tank, this shouldn’t be a surprise to you. There are tons of startups out there that are brilliant but gain no interest of an investor, and many startups on that show are so bad but there’s some investor who just wants in because of their personal reasons.

In a nutshell, there’s no startup in this world for which there’s not the right investor, it is only about finding that person and bridging the gap. 8% startups of America are shut down annually, just because they fail at this simple game.


The Resolve

Not all investors are going to see the potential that can be squeezed out of your startup idea. For that, you have to find one who’s already milked profits out of a similar idea. Why? Because they know the whole drill, they’ve been through it and they love it! Nobody minds a little more of the goodness they have already experienced.

Head out to our digital best friend “Google”. Type in a keyword that will allow you to find some successful local startups, for example “Pizzeria in NYC” – voila! You now have a list of running and thriving startups of your very niche.

The last and the most important part, is to get in the mud. It is to do real homework and find out who the investors behind these startups are. You can get their profile using many different online services such as CB Insights, CrunchBase, AngelList etc.



Is it possible to find out what investors are behind any funded startup? Wondering if anyone has a database of this info?